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⏩RADNICKICHESS IM Round Robin October 2024

Last update 06.11.2024 15:46:43, Creator/Last Upload: Belgrade Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

4FMMD, Imran25748580IND23912391
7GMDAMLJANOVIC, Branko900125SRB23542354
8IMMILOSEVIC, Milos964875SRB23152315
10FMKRIVENKO, Sergei24124753FID22782278
3GMIVANOV, Mikhail M4114906SRB22572257
2FMMARTIC, Ivan929301SRB22332233
5IMDJOKIC, Nenad903809SRB22152215
6CMJOEL, Paul Ganta35066145IND21922192
1CMBANERJEE, Supratit2410079ENG21412141
9CMYANIV, Ori2816300ISR21312131